The jurisdiction of the State Council of Indiana, includes Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. If you live in any of these states, you may join one of our existing Red Men Tribes in Indiana closest to you.
(To start a Red Men Tribe in your City or State, please inquire.)
The Improved Order of Red Men continues to offer patriotic Americans an organization that is pledged to the high ideals of Freedom, Friendship, and Charity.
These are the same ideals upon which our American nation was founded.
By belonging to this proud and historic organization you can demonstrate your desire to continue the battle started at Lexington and Concord to promote Freedom and protect the American Way of Life.
The National Headquarters of the Improved Order of Red Men is located at:
4521 Speight Ave., Waco, Texas 76711
See map below for location of our National Headquarters and Red Men Museum. Email is
Visit our National IORM website at Improved Order of Redmen
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